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Contribuciones desde Coatepec (Contributions from Coatepec) journal belongs to the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (Autonomous University of Mexico State). It is coordinated by the Faculty of Humanities and the Center for Research in Social Sciences and Humanities.

Its objectives are:

          The dissemination of culture.

          Be a meeting space for specialists to advance the knowledge of man.

Contribuciones desde Coatepec first published in 2001. It has evolved through a restructuring of its contents. At present, it focuses on specific areas of the humanities that are taught in their School. The journal is presented with good quality, simplicity and sobriety. Throughout its articles it disseminates Artistic creation and research results in philosophy, literary and linguistic studies, history, Latin American studies, information science and social science documentary. It also features a section Misc with reviews, books and news, which, although belonging to the humanities, by their nature are different from those articles.

Contribuciones desde Coatepec ensures proper academic level of the articles presented. Full-Text LatAm Studies have them all at your disposition.

For further information, please contact the Editorial Committee at rcontribucionesc@uaemex.mx