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Artilugio  is an open access electronic publication that addresses the diversity of production in contemporary arts, integrating the scenic, visual, audiovisual and sound arts, but also performance, artivism and action art, among other liminal practices. The inter, trans or in-disciplinarity are his fundamental interests, as well as the approaches of contemporary studies on the arts.

Coordinated by the Center for Production and Research in Arts (CePIA) of the Faculty of Arts, National University of Córdoba (Argentina), the journal publishes academic essays, works and artistic projects, original and unpublished, evaluated through a blind peer review system ( Indeterminacy Section) and double blind (Reflections Section), in which artists, researchers, critics and theorists manage to engage in conversations with academic and artistic communities and the general public interested in arts and culture in general.

Artilugio is indexed and is part of various databases, directories and international networks such as Latindex (Catalog 2.0), REDIB, CORE, ERIH PLUS, LatAm-Studies, BASE, PKP Index, EuroPub, ROAD, DRJI, I2OR, RevistasAA.net, ICI World of Journals, Latinoamericana Revistas, MIAR, DARDO, LatinREV, Malena, among others currently in evaluation process.

All Artilugio content is available in LatAm-Studies Full text.

For more information, please visit: Artilugio